Mariah Carey Talks Recording Multiple Projects Worth of New Music

It appears new Mariah Carey music could be on the horizon…

During a conversation with Rolling Stone‘Rolling Stone Music Now, the 53-year-old half-Venezuelan American Grammy-winning singer/songwriter revealed that she’d recorded multiple projects in her Butterfly Lounge studio during the pandemic.

Mariah Carey“It’s about three or four different things,” Carey said. “One is a project that I’m almost finished with that I was doing some background vocal tweaks on. One is [new] songs that could be for the scripted series [by Lee Daniels] or a documentary. And then there’s a themed album. It’s something that people have been asking me to do for years, but it’s not done in the traditional sense. It’s not done yet, but I’m really excited about it. I’m working [on that album] with some very eclectic, newer artists, as well as some legendary folks.”

For the 25th anniversary of her sixth studio album Butterfly, Carey is releasing an expanded version of the LP with eight new bonus tracks, including a remake of “The Roof (When I Feel the Need)” with Brandy. However, she still looks back on the 1997 album and feels its single “Breakdown” wasn’t appreciated or supported by the label at the time.

“People did not believe in it, or believe in me in that genre and that moment,” she said, recalling that the label feared her change in sound was “too urban.” “By people, I mean the corporate morgue, the entities that run things. I mean, Tha Crossroads was such a big record!”

Meanwhile, any new album would be a follow-up to Carey’s 2018 fan favorite studio set Caution, which featured singles “GTFO,” “With You” and “A No No.”

Stream Carey’s’s complete interview about her upcoming music and more on Apple Podcasts.

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