Miss Chile Sofia Depassier Named Miss Congeniality at Miss Universe Pageant

Sofia Depassier has made a lasting impression…

The 24-year-old Chilean beauty queen and current Miss Chile may not have made the Top 16 at this year’s Miss Universe pageant, but she didn’t leave home empty-handed.

Sofia Depassier, Miss ChileDepassier was named Miss Congeniality during the pageant, which took place in New Orleans, Louisiana.

Miss USA R’Bonney Gabriel was named the new Miss Universe. Second runner-up went to Andreina Martinez Founier of the Dominican Republic and the first runner-up was Amanda Dudamel of Venezuela.

Gabriel is the first Filipino-American to win Miss USA and according to her official bio, her “mission is for women and young girls to see themselves in her, and feel inspired to conquer their goals by owning who they are.”

The night started off with the Top 16 contestants being revealed following a preliminary competition.

Top 16: Ashley Cariño (Puerto Rico), Mideline Phelizor (Haiti), Monique Riley (Australia), Andreina Martinez Founier (Dominican Republic), Payengxa Lor (Laos), Ndavi Nokeri (South Africa), Telma Madeira (Portugal), Amelia Tu (Canada), Alessia Rovegno (Perú), Tya Jané Ramey (Trinidad & Tobago), Gabriëla Dos Santos (Curacao), Divita Rai (India), Amanda Dudamel (Venezuela), Alicia Faubel (Spain), R’Bonney Gabriel (USA) and María Fernanda Aristizábal (Colombia).

Following the competition of the beauty queens in evening gowns and bathing suits, the Top 5 were revealed to be the following: Amanda Dudamel (Venezuela), R’Bonney Gabriel (USA), Ashley Cariño (Puerto Rico), Gabriëla Dos Santos (Curacao) and Andreina Martinez Founier (Dominican Republic).

After a question round the Top 3 were revealed to be Andreina Martinez Founier (Dominican Republic), R’Bonney Gabriel (USA) and Amanda Dudamel (Venezuela).

The Social Impact Award went to Anna Sueangam-iam of Thailand and Viktoria Apanasenko of Ukraine received the Spirit of Carnival Award.

It was also announced that the next edition of the Miss Universe pageant will take place in El Salvador.

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