Rodriguez and His “Queer Eye” Cast Mates Returning to Bravo

Jai Rodriguez is heading back to Bravo

The 34-year-old half-Puerto Rican actor/musician and “culture vulture” will be reuniting with his Queer Eye for the Straight Guy cast mates to celebrate the hit reality series’ big anniversary.

Jai Rodriguez

Queer Eye for the Straight Guy was a surprise hit when it premiered back in July 2003, adding the “make-better” to the pop culture conversation and sending Bravo on its reality television track.

Now the cable channel is celebrating the five-season series with Queer Eye Reunion: 10 Years Later, an Andy Cohen-hosted gathering of the “Fab Five”: Rodriguez, Ted Allen, Kyan Douglas, Thom Filicia and Carson Kressley.

Along with discussing the Emmy-winning show — whose title was shortened to Queer Eye after Season 3 — the men will highlight behind-the-scenes secrets and discuss how their lives have changed in the past decade.

The reunion special will air in October.

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