Lopez to Perform at London’s “Sound of Change Live” Concert

Jennifer Lopez will be singing for change this weekend…

The 43-year-old Puerto Rican singer/actress will be lending her support to the Sound of Change Live global concert, which will be broadcast live from London on Saturday, June 1.

Jennifer Lopez

No word on what songs Lopez will perform at the concert event, which aims to raise funds for over a hundred worldwide projects that support women and girls.

A billion people are expected to watch the concert, which is taking place from Twickenham sports stadium and will be broadcast to 150 countries.

Along with Lopez, the list of performers include Beyonce, Florence + the Machine, Ellie Goulding and Timbaland.

Meanwhile, Madonna will lead an international presenters lineup that includes Jessica Chastain, James Franco and Freida Pinto.

“Sixty percent of the children in the world not in school are girls,” Madonna said in a statement picked up by Reuters. “Two-thirds of the world’s illiterate are women. I do not accept this. We need to change this and we will change this.”

The concert was organized by the Chime for Change campaign, which was started by Gucci.


NBC will broadcast parts of the concert on Sunday, June 2 from 9:00 – 11:00 PM ET.

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