Gimenez Wins Short Film Palme d’Or at Cannes Film Festival

Juanjo Gimenez has the French crowd in the Palme of his hand…

The 53-year-old Spanish director has won the Short Film Palme d’Or at the 69th Cannes Film Festival for his movie Timecode.

Juanjo Gimenez

Gimenez dedicated the award to his team, his family, and Luis Bunuel, the only Spaniard who has a Palme d’Or, which he won back in 1961 for his film Viridiana.

“I’m thrilled,” said Gimenez, who was excited to receive a prize decided by a jury chaired by Japanese director Naomi Kawase.

Timecode tells the story of a relationship between two parking lot security guards.

Gimenez took advantage of the cameras in the parking lot to monitor the place from different points of view to deliver what happens during the boring long working hours of the couple.

The Spanish director said that short films are his favorite genre because they allow him to bring out the best in cinematic language in a way that provides more freedom than that of long motion pictures.