Carey Creates Special Profile to Promote Her New Music Video

It’s game, set, match for Mariah Carey

The 45-year-old half-Venezuelan singer has partnered with to help promote her latest musical endeavor.

Mariah Carey

Carey and her team decided to join forces with to premiere her music video Infinity.

One of the clip’s highlights? A look at the newly-single superstar’s profile (see below). Check out the full thing here.

Mariah Carey on

In terms of the profile, the self-described “curvy” divorcee’s interests are relatively broad, including everything from “movies/videos” to “music and concerts.” And as you probably know, she does have kids “and they live at home (2)”.

So, if you’re a non-smoking 6’0” – 8’11” tall male between the ages of 20-120, feel free to email her, “wink for free” or, hey, even “meet at Starbucks.”