Sanz Honored for Taking a Stand Against Violence Against Women

Alejandro Sanz is fighting #PorEllas…

The 47-year-old Spanish singer-songwriter received a plaque recognizing him as a distinguished visitor to Asuncion, Paraguay in token of his public stand in opposition to violence against women, according to city councilors.

Alejandro Sanz

Councilman Buye Buongermini presented the award to Sanz on Sunday, moments before he took the stage for a concert at Asuncion’s Manuel Ferreira Stadium.

The plaque was in honor of Sanz’s gesture during a recent concert in Mexico, where he left the stage to defend a woman being harassed by a man in the crowd.

Accepting the award, Sanz joined the #PorEllas campaign, launched by Paraguayan lawmakers with the aim of protecting women against all forms of violence.

Sanz affirmed his commitment to #PorEllas during a ceremony in which Paraguayan rock artist Andrea Valobra participated.

Valobra was the composer of the musical theme of the campaign.

Around 300,000 Paraguayan women have suffered some form of violence, according to the city council.