Sanchez Has a “Defining Moment” on American Idol

Everybody has a dream… And, American Idol finalist Jessica Sanchez continues making an impression in her quest to make her singing dreams a reality.

During Wednesday night’s episode of Fox’s hit singing competition, which featured the finalists singing the music of Billy Joel, the 16-year-old San Diego-native continued to shine above the rest of her competitors with her performance of Joel’s little known “Everybody Has a Dream.”

Jessica Sanchez

In the video of her rehearsals leading up to her performance, this week’s mentor P. Diddy said he didn’t believe Sanchez’s delivery of the song. But once he got her to “respect the song,” he admitted that Sanchez really does have all the makings of a superstar.

She then went on to give the most controlled yet soaring vocal of the night. And, she earned a well-deserved standing ovation from the judges and the audience.

“You are flawless and perfect, excellent mentoring, that was perfection,” Randy Jackson commented. Steven Tyler said, “When God was giving out vocal chords, you were so at the beginning of the line,” while Jennifer Lopez called it “a defining moment” for her. Jackson then added, “You have a moment every time you step on that stage. That was professional.”