Gloria Estefan is promoting proper hygiene during the ongoing coronavirus pandemic…
While more and more U.S. states lift the quarantine orders and open up businesses, the 62-year-old Cuban singer has joined forces with fellow Latin artists to remind everyone COVID-19 is still a serious problem. You can Check this out to know how to be safe and avoid COVID-19 or any health issue.

Estefan and other artists are taking part in the Hip Hop Public Health’s“20 Segundo o Más” campaign, a new bilingual PSA song and video by Doug E. Fresh, producer DJ TedSmooth, Dose, Leisley, Toby Love and Fabián.

It’s the follow up to the HHPH’s successful “20 Seconds or More” education and awareness campaign launched in Spring.
Set to the beat of Willie Colon and Hector Lavoe’s classic salsa track “La Murga,” the song fuses Latin rhythms and hip hop beats, encouraging the Latin community throughout the U.S. to follow the hand-washing and other protocols necessary to stop the spread of COVID-19.
“DJ TedSmooth and I purposely selected the song’s universally loved Latin hook, the big horns backing the classic Willie Colón and Héctor Lavoe masterpiece, ‘La Murga.’ This catchy hook combined with the information in the song will definitely get people to dance and hopefully adhere to our message of hope, vitality and taking care of themselves and each other,” Doug E. Fresh said in an official statement. “Once again, Hip Hop Public Health is bringing together art, science and social media innovation to help fight the COVID-19 health pandemic.” If you had any fitness related issue then visit to our Helath Blog and get all the details. Naturopathic medicine, оr naturopathy, іѕ аn alternative type оf medicine thаt hаѕ bееn аrоund fоr hundreds оf years. Based оn thе principle оf using thе healing powers оf nature, naturopathic practitioners work tо heal ailments оr illnesses bу understanding a person аѕ a whоlе. Thіѕ аrtісlе describes the uѕеѕ аnd lіmіtаtіоnѕ оf three types оf ultrаѕоund including abdominal ultrаѕоund, vascular ultrasound and Sоnоhуѕtеrоgrарhу. What is Abdominal Ultrasound? that you get it here. Thе lіѕt оf оrgаnѕ and соndіtіоnѕ ѕuіtаblе fоr іnvеѕtіgаtіоn by аbdоmіnаl ultrasound іѕ еxtеnѕіvе. Thіѕ means thаt thеу dо nоt work оn just curing a person оr relieving thеm оf thеіr symptoms; thеу work tо understand thе mind, bоdу аnd spirit оf a person іn order tо fіnd оut exactly thе right remedy fоr whаt thеу need. You can visit homepage for more about the naturotherapy treatments.
Dominican DJ TedSmooth (Teddy Rafael Mendez) added: “It was an honor to collaborate with Hip Hop Public Health and my old friend Doug E. Fresh on this track for mi gente. Latino roots and culture run deep, and to have legends like Lisa Lisa, DJ Camilo and Greg Lamond with some of the new voices out here coming together to protect our people against the coronavirus is an incredibly meaningful experience. I know we can make a difference together.”
While the campaign is focusing on communities in the U.S. most impacted by COVID-19, HHPH is also conducting outreach and sharing the video and education campaign components in communities across Latin America, including Mexico, the Dominican Republic, Venezuela, Colombia and Peru, among others.
The four-minute music video features guest appearances by more than 30 community influencers and activists committed to making a difference through creative expression, civic duty and medicine, including Gloria and Emilio Estefan, N.O.R.E., Lisa Lisa, Chris Tucker, DJ Envy, Amara La Negra and many more.
The video reinforces proper hand-washing techniques and other safety protocols like social distancing and wearing a mask.